
The Jeremiah for Minnesota House 2B Post.

Hello Minnesota, I am seeking your support as an independent candidate for Minnesota House 2B this year, challenging opponent Matt Bliss. Virtually everyone in my life whom I love and respect has told me not to run for office, and I don't blame them. Who would want to run for election this, or any year? Our nation has never been more divided or filled with hate and fear. It is a hard job that requires a great deal of travel and makes raising a family, maintaining a career, or doing anything else difficult to impossible. At best, if elected, you are participating in a process that is falling apart at the seams. A lone voice within a system rife with corruption, special interests, and institutional dysfunction. Why put yourself through the process of a campaign, the hours, the time, the money, exposing yourself to the mass of toxicity, to maybe get an impossible job? Everyone who runs has their own reasons and they will answer in a million different ways. I've run and lost four c