The Jeremiah for Minnesota House 2B Post.

Hello Minnesota,

I am seeking your support as an independent candidate for Minnesota House 2B this year, challenging opponent Matt Bliss. Virtually everyone in my life whom I love and respect has told me not to run for office, and I don't blame them. Who would want to run for election this, or any year? Our nation has never been more divided or filled with hate and fear. It is a hard job that requires a great deal of travel and makes raising a family, maintaining a career, or doing anything else difficult to impossible. At best, if elected, you are participating in a process that is falling apart at the seams. A lone voice within a system rife with corruption, special interests, and institutional dysfunction. Why put yourself through the process of a campaign, the hours, the time, the money, exposing yourself to the mass of toxicity, to maybe get an impossible job?

Everyone who runs has their own reasons and they will answer in a million different ways. I've run and lost four campaigns and each time it was for different reasons, but also driven by the singular belief that I would do a good job as a representative. I would represent people, not corporations. I would listen to them, hear their concerns, and remember their stories. I would work for their benefit, be their voice, and do good for them. I would take my understanding of creating law, build upon it, and use that knowledge to craft meaningful legislation that would improve lives. Roles change and expectations shift, but I have always believed that the job of a representative is to unite people and lead them in the hard work of making a positive difference in our lives. From the Mayor of Turtle River to the President, that should be the work.

I'm not going to run for office like everyone else. I have seen the way things are done and want no part in them, so this lone internet post campaign announcement will serve as my only marketing expense. I will file for the office and drive to any 3 debates I am available for. Otherwise, I will spend no money on this campaign. Nor will I accept any money. The Campaign Finance Board only cares if you raise $400 or more, but I will not take a dime. From you, corporations, lobbyists, or anyone. We need a radical divestment from our money-as-speech paradigm and our 24/7, 365-day campaign cycle suicide spiral. This is the unfortunate result of unlimited money fanning the flames of political dysfunction, but we, as a nation, deserve and need a break. If there is a platform, it is that we need a pause on the division, anger, and ceaseless rancor that daily wears us down. We require a maintenance period armistice, where we experiment with not tearing one another apart like rabid wolves for a few months, and see how it goes?

I'm not running against Matt Bliss for this office; I'm running as an alternative to him. How he campaigns is none of my concern, except as much as he robocalls me. I don't have to say anything about him to offer you a clearly different choice. People should have a choice in who represents them, that is what democracy is. So, who am I? Well, if you are truly an internet stranger, I'm Jeremiah Liend. Greetings. I urge you to google me. It's going to be a heck of a ride. If you have questions, I'm pretty easy to find. Maybe this desperate grasp at reason, dignity, and humanity will land with some of you folks? Please spread the word. Share this post. Thank you in advance and take care.


Jeremiah T. Liend

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